LUDD Distributed Systems and Technologies (DUST)

LUDD DUST Terms of Service

The terms of service for usage of LUDD DUST exists to inform the user of what they can and cannot do, what LUDD does and does NOT provide, and which parties the user is directly or indirectly interacting with.

LUDD DUST is built upon infrastructure from LUDD - Luleå Academic Computer Society, Luleå university of Technology and SUNET, which means that a user must follow and acknowledge all the rules put in place by these instances.

Below follows a full write-up in English of the rules from SUNET and LTU, but original rules can be linked upon request. You have probably accepted these rules when you were given an account at LTU, but it is important to understand that these apply for LUDD DUST as well.


While we know that reading terms of service documents are tedious, we recommend that you atleast quickly eye over these. Failiure to follow rules set by LUDD can lead to data loss, and failiure to follow rules set by LTU or SUNET can lead to LTU account termination, or reprimands by the disciplinary board at the university.

LTU & SUNET user agreement

Computers and network

It is not allowed to:

  • Use available resources for commercial purposes.
  • Get access to network resources or computer resources without explicit approval.
  • Hide your identity (unless explicitly approved).
  • Disrupt normal usage of networks and computers.
  • Purposefully waste available resources on computers and networks.
  • Damage or destroy computer-based information.
  • Infringe on other people's privacy.
  • Insult or humiliate other individuals or organisations.

Spamming, mass-emailing of unwanted messages, is not allowed. Users should act in a way so the don't cause Luleå university of technology or external parties unwanted costs or a bad reputation.


Documents that are published using the university's networks contains the university's domain name, and should therefore be related to the university. Pages that contain other information is allowed as long as they dont harm the university, directly or indirectly, or infringe on the university's values and policies.

This means that information on, for example, websites should follow sensible requirements of truthyness and objectivity. It should follow the intentions of the Swedish "Tryckfrihetsförordningen" and the rules that apply to written text. This means that things like child pornography, illegal violent acts, slander, publishing of secret information, is not allowed. This that fit in the Swedish "Tryckfrihetsförordningen" but violates university policies is not allowed to be published or linked unless it is of obvious scientific value, or of interest to the general public.

It should always be clearly stated who the publisher of information on the internet, and it is of utmost importance that the recipient understands that information published by individuals is not backed by the university.

LCNet Network Terms of service agreement

  • I have the full responsibility regarding complying with the LCNet rules (as well as LTU's and SUNET's rules) for my connection at LCNet @ Ludd.
  • Ludd has no economic liability regarding damages or loss of data, in the case of fire, theft or similar.
  • If I fail to renew my membership, Ludd has the right to delete servers to free up resources.
  • Ludd has the right to unplug my servers from LCNet @ Ludd, or shut down my server(s) without any prior warning or motivation. This can happen due to misconduct, maintenance, or broken cooling equipment, to name a few. Ludd will to its fullest attempt to avoid such situations.

LUDD DUST user agreement

Users of LUDD DUST needs to follow and agree to the rules specified in this document. Failure to do so will end with termination of service without neccesary communcation, which could lead to loss of data on the user's behalf.

Data storage

Data stored on LUDD DUST is by default NOT backed up by LUDD or other parties. This means that in the event of a server, hypervisor, or storage failiure, user/server data could be lost or corrupt. It is the responsibility of the user to make sure that important data is backed up to other sources.

LUDD is not responsible for eventual data loss related to private projects, school projects, or any other kind of data that may be stored on LUDD DUST systems.

Resource allocation

LUDD DUST is a shared public cloud, and LUDD overcommits resources to allow for more servers. This means that users can and will in some instances share CPU and RAM resources with other users, which could impact performance. If dedicated performance is neccesary, LUDD can most likely help.


LUDD is not liable to provide support for users regarding issues with their servers, or issues with LUDD DUST systems. LUDD is however a computer society that exists to educate people on how to solve such problems themselves, and will therefore attempt to help users to the best of its ability to solve such problems.

Issues with LUDD DUST systems will be fixed in a best-effort manner, as all maintainers of LUDD are regular students.


The service level agreement for LUDD DUST services is best-effort. This means that if services are unavailable, LUDD will make its best attempt to restore these services. In a worst case scenario, this could take up to several days or weeks due to school and other undertakings.

Privacy and personal information

LUDD DUST by design does not store any personal or private information in its systems. Login is handled via Central Authentication Systems of LUDD and LTU separately.

LUDD will do its utmost to ensure that personal or private information stored on resources provided by LUDD DUST is safe, but LUDD does not recommend that LUDD DUST should be used for such information.

The text on this page may be updated at any time, and it is up to the user to stay informed of the latest ToS in effect.